Effective from 1st of January 2013, shipper’s own containers will be subject to a payment of 5% Iraqi reconstruction levy on their value even if the cargo is exempted from duties and a valid “duty exemption letter” is available. The customs at Umm Qassr will make their own evaluation of the value of the containers based on the condition of the containers, capacity and type.
For guidance count with the following costs:
1x20ft container USD 300,00 (Three hundred)
1x40ft container USD 600,00 (Six hundred)
Above costs include various small expenses like fixing the declaration, paper work etc… But NOT THE CUSTOMS DUTIES; will be documented according to official receipts.
Container pre-fix code
As per Iraqi customs instructions, all containers, in particular shippers own containers, must have a valid pre-fix code. Containers without pre-fix code will not be accepted.
For any other information, please contact us